Cross platform desktop app for recommending user the movies extactly to their preferences. It also provides the user with local database of movies watched and rated by the user. Also featuring multiple profiles on single machine installation with individual recommendation for each user.
Look, to have a look!In this video all the features of Tbee are explained in detail. All the functionality are explored in depth. The complete independent desktop environment is achieved using multiple language intergration.
My YouTube ChannelThis a platform independent application which is build for each desktop environment like Windows, Linux & MacOS.
Highly efficient recommendation algorithm for personalised movie suggestions for each user.
The complete GUI of this application is coded in JavaScript and core machine learning algorithms are in Python.
The application also provides a local database for storing watched movies with respective ratings.
Tbee is basically a cross platform desktop application with the feature of recommending movies according the user preferences. The recommendation algorithm is developed with deep learning and exclusive GUI of the application is created using JavaScript.
Creating cross platform GUI for all kind of desktop environments is possible by using Electron which is a framwork based on JavaScript. The application is having access to 5.6 million movies with detailed information of each movie with the trailer.
There are multiple functions to explore the movies according to the ratings, genre and year. Movies from all the various countries can be explored. Each user is having individual database on which the user is recommended with movies.